I looked for the missing numbers and found the following information:
Heir C wins the house, heir A wins the car and heir B wins the coins.
heir A B C
house $180,000 $210,000 $220,000
car $12,000 $10,000 $8,000
coins $3,000 $6,000 $2,000
total $195,000 $226,000 $230,000
fair share $65,000 $75,333 $76,667
Heir A = $65,000 - $12,000 = $53,000. The estate owns heir A $53,000
Heir B = $75,333 - $6,000 = $69,333. The estate owns heir B $69,333.
Heir C = $76,667 - $220,000 = $143,333. Heir C owns $143,333 to the estate.
Surplus = $143,333 - $53,000 - $69,333 = $21,000
Each heir is granted $7,000 as their share form the surplus.
Heir A gets the car and $60,000.
Heir B gets the coins and $76,333
Heir C gets the house and must pay $136,333.