1) human microbiota is the term for all the microorganisms living in your intestines. Pathogenic means been able to cause diseases. 30-50g of fresh feces is collected from a donor for FMT. OpenBiome is the name of the stool bank opened in 2012 by researchers at MIT. A Fecalyzer is a device that delivers a fecal solution through a tube that contains a mounted camera. C. Diff releases TcdA, TcdB, and cytotoxin.
2) FMT stand for Fecal Microbiota Transplantation. What is involved in this procedure is that someone's (the donor) stool is carefully screened, if healthy stool it is transplanted into the colon of a patient.
3) Medical experts agree that C. Diff transmitted from person to person by means of feces that come in contact with food, objects, or surfaces, which are then touched by other people who fail to wash their hands thoroughly.