India's life expectancy is 69.7, expected years of schooling is 12.2, and mean years of schooling is 6.5. India is ranked 131 on the list. China's life expectancy is 76.9, expected years of schooling is 14, and mean years of schooling is 8.1. China is ranked #85 on the list. United States life expectancy is 78.9, expected years of schooling is 16.3, and the mean years of schooling is 13.4. United States is ranked #17 on the list. This data is from 2021.
India's life expectancy is 69.7, expected years of schooling is 12.2, and mean years of schooling is 6.5. India is ranked 131 on the list. China's life expectancy is 76.9, expected years of schooling is 14, and mean years of schooling is 8.1. China is ranked #85 on the Explanation: