Instructions: Select the correct text in the passage. only sentences between () are options

Which sentences in this excerpt from Leo Tolstoy's The Death of Ivan Ilyich show the author's skepticism about modern medicine and the cult of celebrity doctors?

Peter went to the door, but Ivan Ilyich dreaded being left alone. "How can I keep him here? Oh yes, my medicine." ("Peter, give me my medicine." "Why not? Perhaps it may still do some good." He took a spoonful and swallowed it. "No, it won't help. It's all tomfoolery, all deception," he decided as soon as he became aware of the familiar, sickly, hopeless taste.) "No, I can't believe in it any longer.( But the pain, why this pain?) If it would only cease just for a moment!" And he moaned. Peter turned towards him. ("It's all right. Go and fetch me some tea.")

Peter went out. (Left alone Ivan Ilyich groaned not so much with pain, terrible though that was, as from mental anguish.) Always and for ever the same, always these endless days and nights. (If only it would come quicker! If only *what* would come quicker? Death, darkness? No, no! anything rather than death!)