In a short essay response of at least 75 words, explain what it means to analyze a piece of fiction. Your answer should include specific examples of how to go about forming an analysis.
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By analyzing a short story or novel, you gain a better understanding of the story. You also acquire a better appreciation of fiction and literature. And, you can learn how the writer used the elements of fiction and various literary techniques, such as simile, metaphor, and imagery to create a memorable story. Analyzing fiction will also help you learn how to write your own stories.Here is how to analyze a work of fiction:Plot. Setting. It refers to the time, place, and social and historical context.Characters. It refers to the protagonist, villain, and secondary characters in the story.Theme. It refers to the main idea of the story. Sensory images are word pictures that appeal to one or more of the senses, such as sight, taste, smell, touch, and hearing.What  Symbolism. The author uses a symbol to mean something other than its literal meaning.Style and Tone. Style refers to the writer’s choice of language and the sentence types and structures. The tone refers to writer’s attitude toward the subject and readers. Figurative Language. The writer uses language to mean something other than its literal meaning, in order to produce a special effect or new meaning. Popular types of figurative language are simile, metaphor, and personification. 


Analizing a piece of fiction means understanding the message the writer wanted to communicate.


When you are analizing a piece of fiction you have to take several things into account, the context in which the fictional work was made, the time and society in which the author was living, the social problems, the discurse that was happening around the author, and then you can start to read and analize the ficitonal piece, this is to better understand why the author wanted to communicate what he wrote, and what he wanted the people to think after they read his work.

Once you read and have all the contextual knowledge you can make better assumptions as to why the author wanted to communicate certain things and what he meant when writting his work.