Write an inequality that models a real world situation. Describe your situation and what a variable X represents

Respuesta :

 For this case, the first thing we must do is define a variable
 x: number of chocolate cakes
 A real life problem can be:
 Andrea sells chocolate cakes. She sells each cake for $ 2. Andrea wants to sell at least $ 50 today. Write an inequation to model the minimum number of cakes that Andrea needs to sell to reach the goal.
 The inequality for this case is given by:
 [tex] 2x \geq 50[/tex]

Because of the wide possibility of answers for this question, I'll present 2 examples:

  1. A common situation that happens to all of us in the current world, is that because of the way in which our economy is built, we need to have a higher income than our expenses. We can describe this as [tex]Income \geq Expenses[/tex].
  2. The average temperature of the human body for a good development of all of our physiological processes is between 36.5 ºC and 37.5 ºC. We can write this as [tex]37.5 \geq Temperature\geq 36.5[/tex].

Further explanation

First example. Inequalities are mathematical tools that allow us to describe when some things are greater than others. In many cases, this is necessary like in our example in which, in simpler terms, money that comes in needs to be greater or equal than that which goes out, therefor [tex]Income \geq Expenses[/tex].

Second example. Body temperature is a very important variable for many of our biological processes. In case our body temperature rises above a certain treshold, cells cannot work properly and many health risks appear, this threshold is 37.5 ºC. The same occurs when our body temperature decreases below a certain threshold, at that is 36.5 ºC (even though some doctors suggest 35 ºC). We can express this in an equation in form that [tex]37.5 \geq Temperature\geq 36.5[/tex].

Learn more

  • How to solve for an unknown on an inequality: https://brainly.com/question/11243854
  • Inequalities with absolute value: https://brainly.com/question/11431753


Inequality, economy, biology