The following are quotes from Thoreau's writing. They are examples of figurative language and are labeled as such. Explain WHY these quotes are examples of the different figures of speech and what is the image they are establishing, or the comparison the author is making.

Paragraph #2: The quotation is an example of a metaphor. Explain why.

"I trust that none will stretch the seams in putting on the coat, for it may do good service to him whom it fits."

Respuesta :

Metaphor is a figure of speech subtlety comparing two different things. It is also used to represent something more than what it actually is.

The above quotation refers to a coat that should be a perfect fit. I think of this as something or a situation that a person finds himself submerged into. One must be involved in something that complements him perfectly. If a situation is not good for such person, he or she must not force it just to make it "fit".