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Step-by-step explanation:

There are four basic properties of numbers: commutative, associative, distributive, and identity.


The commutative property states that the numbers on which we operate can be moved or swapped from their position without making any difference to the answer. The property holds for Addition and Multiplication, but not for subtraction and division.


This property states that when three or more numbers are added (or multiplied), the sum (or the product) is the same regardless of the grouping of the addends (or the multiplicands). Grouping means the use of parentheses or brackets to group numbers. Associative property involves 3 or more numbers.


To “distribute” means to divide something or give a share or part of something. According to the distributive property, multiplying the sum of two or more addends by a number will give the same result as multiplying each addend individually by the number and then adding the products together.


The identity property of 1 says that any number multiplied by 1 keeps its identity. In other words, any number multiplied by 1 stays the same. The reason the number stays the same is because multiplying by 1 means we have 1 copy of the number.

These are just very few answers that I have found from google because it would be rather hard for me to explain it in my point of view, therefore if this should or maybe the number properties you are thinking of.


commutative, associative, distributive, and identity.

Step-by-step explanation:

commutative = a + b = b + a; numbers can be added in any order and you will still get the same answer.

associative = (a + b) + c = a + (b + c) ;states that you can add or multiply regardless of how the numbers are grouped. By 'grouped' we mean 'how you use parenthesis'.

distributive: a (b + c) = a(b) + a(c); tells us how to solve expressions in the form of a(b + c).

identity: a + 0 = a; a - 0 = a; 0 has no value, so adding or subtracting numbers to 0 will just equal the number