Respuesta :


Time stress-is the best-known form of stress in a modern, fast and demanding work environment.

Anticipatory stress- occurs when you are worried about the future, either in a general sense, or more usually around a specific event such as an unpleasant meeting or conversation.

Situational stress-  can generate emotional or behavioral symptoms that look and feel very much like clinical depression.

Encounter stress- occurs when you are worrying about interacting with a group of people where there are outcomes that are either unpredictable or predictably unpleasant.



there is no actual meaning for sterss but yes stress is sth which  we cant show to anybody we can but sometimes strees take aplace of depression we go on depression nd then we cant control on ourself  we cant distinguish right and wrong ,stressed people have a thought of that they dont have anyone everythink is destroyed nd etc etc


nd if we didnt clear this then we may take a bad decision which leads us on our death .so if u r depressed or stredd then talk with the one who make u feel good like ur parent neighbour and it can be ur best frn friend or may be ur teacher .stay happy stay posive stay healthy:)