(just ranting, if you don't like it, there's the door. walk out. just make sure the door don't hit ya <3)

so, uh, imagine your a new and coming animator, and someone you knew is a new and coming Gacha Tuber. You make your first video, and they make theirs. You both check back in a week.

Your status: 3 subscribers, 15 views, 0 likes/dislikes
Their status: 1k subs, 2.5k views, 35 likes, 10 dislikes

You put effort into your animation which took you almost a week to do. Your ''friend'' took almost 2 days to finish their video. How do you feel?

Respuesta :


I AM a gachatuber- and it's happened to me before. its pretty frustrating especially when you feel like you're the one who tried their hardest. It gets worst if they try to make you feel bad about it. (Hopefully they give you a shout out! <3 i can also sub to you if u want. Sorry if im begging- but can u check out my channel? Its called 。『 Çløudyyy 』ツ)



i feel like smashing the device they made it on,good editors always put time in their things but when a pink gay cat just makes a video with a red and black hair demon they get a bunch of likes [btw no hate to gachas]
