Give examples of micro and macro nutrients? Give examples of micro and macro nutrients? Follow Report Abuse Are you sure you want to delete this answer? Yes No

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Macro nutrients constitute the majority of an individual’s diet, “thereby supplying energy, and the essential nutrients that are needed for growth, maintenance, and activity”. Macro nutrients include carbohydrates, proteins, fats, macro minerals, and water. Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are interchangeable as sources of energy, with fats yielding 9 calories per gram, and protein and carbohydrates each yielding 4 calories per gram.

Micro nutrients are vitamins and trace minerals. Vitamins and trace minerals are labeled as micro nutrients because the body only requires them in very small amounts. Vitamins are organic substances that we ingest with our foods, and that “act as catalysts, substances that help to trigger other reactions in the body”. Trace minerals are inorganic substances that once ingested play a role in a “variety of metabolic processes, and contribute to the synthesis of such elements as glycogen, protein, and fats.