Do you think every school has equal opportunities and one's
Success simply depends on how much they put into it? Or do
you think some schools offer more opportunities for success
than others?

Respuesta :


Every school is different and based on that, students are not given equal opportunities.


Public schools are funded differently. (I can discuss private schools later) Wealthier cities will be able to spend more on educations and provide their students with better materials. Naturally the students' families themselves are also wealthier, so they can afford more supplies/classes/extracurriculars that will better help them in the future. Poorer cities have less money in their budge to spend on education. Therefore, the technology may be lacking and the school will not be able to spend as much money on their students.

There should be articles on this. You can search simply for "are schools equal." If you are interested in debate, specifically LD, you can check out the standarize testing topic, which is very interesting and touches upon the idea of whether or not schools are equal and how a students' background has an impact on their scores.