The Coins class was created to hold all your loose change, kind of like a piggy bank! For this exercise, you are going to simulate starting a bank with a specific number of coins, then adding to your piggy bank to bring your total to $2.12. What you need to do: Create a Coins object that initially has 4 quarters, 3 dimes, 2 nickels, and 1 penny. After you create the initial object, print out the total, then add coins to your bank until you have a total of 15 coins totaling 2.12. You will need to figure out which combination gets you to the correct total with the correct number of coins! When you are finished, call the method to print the bank count then the bank total to verify that you got the correct values.

Respuesta :


Coins c1 = new Coins (4, 3, 2, 1);








