Given that X, Y, Z, A, B, C, and D are real numbers, then the following are true:
Commutative Property of Addition: X+Y = Y+X
Commutative Property of Multiplication: XY = YX
Associative Property of Addition: (X+Y) + Z = X + (Y + Z)
Associative Property of Multiplication: ( X Y ) Z = X ( Y Z )
Additive Identity: For any real number X, X+0 = X where 0 is the additive identity
Additive Inverse: For any real number X, there exists -X such that X+(-X) = 0
Multiplicative Identity: For any real number X, 1●X = X where 1 is the multiplicative identity
Multiplicative Inverse: For any real number X where X≠0, there exists 1/X such that X ●(1/X) = 1
Zero Product Law: If XY = 0, then X=0 or Y=0 or both X and Y = 0