1. every organism on the food chain will be affected. the ones below it will have a higher population, and the ones above it will have a lower population.
2. biodiversity is the idea, that all life is different, and environments thrive with it.
3. biodiversity is important in an ecosystem because if you take out biodiversity, you essentially take out all the animals in the given ecosystem.
1. when you remove lets say a spider from a food chain, the bugs that it would've eaten will start growing in population from not being eaten by the spiders. the birds that wouldve eaten the spiders, will decrease from the lack of that food source.
2. is self explanatory
3. if you only had one type of bird in one ecosystem, and that was the only animal in that ecosystem, the birds would all die, because they wouldn't have anything to eat, and nothing would eat it, so they might resort to cannibalism, or, as earlier stated, they would die off, from lack of food. the ecosystem would not be sustainable.