Respuesta :
- Islam as a word means ‘surrender’, which is connected to the fact that Islam as a religion and way of thinking is about surrendering oneself to God.
- Islam is monotheistic religion meaning it preaches that there is only one God. God is called Allah and he is beyond the comprehension of the human being. Islam as teaching rejects any idea of polytheism, as well as the Christian's idea of the Holy Trinity.
- Islam is one of the Abhramic religions, meaning it comes from Semitic religion and Judaism, just as Christianity does. Islam doesn’t deny the existence of Jesus but sees him as a prophet, rather than as God.
- Muhamed is understood as a messenger of God, the prophet, and the founder of Islam. It is believed it was him who received Quran verses from archangel Gabriel. He also unified Arabia under one religion of Islam.
- Quran is the main religious script of Islam. It is thought of as a scripture delivered directly from God and his literal words, unaltered and complete. Quran has 114 chapters wrote in verses.
- Basic acts of Islam are put together in the so-called Five pillars of Islam. They are the Profession of faith, prayers, almsgiving (giving in the name of charity), fasting, and pilgrimage.
- Pilgrimage, the final pillar, is also called Hajj. It takes place during the 12th month of the lunar calendar. All adult Islam believers should perform pilgrimage once in their lifetime. They should go to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, which is the holiest city in Islam and where is the biggest gathering of the Muslims in the world.
- Fasting, the fourth pillar of Islam, is performed during the month of Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. At this time, all adult Muslims around the world should not eat or drink from sunrise to sunset. It lasts from one crescent moon to the next and must be performed by all capable believers (those who are not chronically ill, breastfeeding, elderly, sick, diabetic, or menstruating).
- There are two main movements (denominations) in Islam – Sunni and Shia. They are different in their beliefs about succession to Muhamed.
- There are many Muslims around the world, in Asia, Africa, but also in America and Europe. Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world, and 13% of all Muslims live in this country.
- The place of Islam worship is called Mosque and it serves as a place for prayer for all the Muslims in the community. They are primary used for communal prayers on Fridays (jami). Mosques have various architectures around the world, but they commonly feature minaret – tall and slender tower used for the call to prayer.