Use these words in a sentence.

Halcyon – (adj) [hal-see-uhn] calm; peaceful; tranquil; happy; joyful; carefree (The old man liked to think back to the halcyon days of his youth.)

Miserly – (adj) [mahy-zer-lee] stingy; mean. (Ebenezer Scrooge is a famous example of a miserly man.)

Bolster – (v) [bohl-ster] support; reinforce; add. (After they lost the game, the coach tried to bolster the team’s spirits by taking the players for ice cream.)

Prolific – (adj) [pruh-lif-ik] abundantly fruitful; producing in large quantities or with great frequency. (Shakespeare was a very prolific playwright.)

Terse – (adj) [turs] concise; pithy; brief. (After his loss in court, the lawyer was very terse in his response to the media’s questions.)

Aspire – (v) [uh-spahyuhr] seek to attain; long for. (Some young girls and boys aspire to be astronauts.)

Esoteric – (adj) [es-uh-ter-ik] hard to understand; known only to the chosen few.

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USe the given words in a sentence:


The Halcyon nature of the environment where the apartments are situated played a huge role in it's excessive demand.

Miserly: Deriving benefit from Fran seems almost impossible, his miserly tendency is so extreme.

Bolster : The upcoming transfer window is a perfect opportunity for underperfoming to bolster their ranks.

Prolific: The club's highest goalscorer hung his boots to put an end to what could only be characterized as a prolific career.

Terse : To save time and avoid jargon, kindly keep your argument terse.

Aspire : After a successful completion of my interview, now I aspire for my first day at work.

Esoteric: Due to the esoteric nature of the text, it is often readily available in the library despite the rush.