
how you think carte blanche, which literally means "white paper," acquired its meaning.

Literally, cosmopolitan means_________. The Greek root metr means ¨mother,¨ so someone living in a metropolitan area ca be said to live near the__________.

1. Which would be most likely to cause a donnybrook?

A. an automobile purchase.

B. a family reunion.

C. a close football game.

D. a philosophical argument

2. Who or what is more contemptous of authority?

A. a career criminal.

B. birds awakening you from sleep.

C. a novel by Melville.

D. a doctor.

3. An interlocutor would most likely be found in a.

A. hospital

B. debate

C. field

D. playground

Respuesta :



The answer is below


Carte Blanche acquired its meaning through an incident involving King Charles II of France, who when escaping the Roundheads, gave his helpers a 'Carte Blanche'. This is known to be a form of a blank sheet of paper (White Card) containing his signature at the bottom. The recipient of such paper could then write anything of choice they wish above the king's signature and it would be accepted as legal.

Literally, cosmopolitan means ALL-INCLUSIVE. The Greek root metr means ¨mother,¨ so someone living in a metropolitan area can be said to live near the CITY or URBAN SETTLEMENT.

1.  C . a close football game; donnybrook means commotion or passionate argument, and can be found among fans in a close football game.

2.  A. a career criminal; contemptuous means conveying a feeling of disapproval

3.  B. debate; interlocutor is someone involved in a conversation or form of discussion