Given the dictionary, d, find the largest key in the dictionary and associate the corresponding value with the variable val_of_max. For example, given the dictionary {5:3, 4:1, 12:2}, 2 would be associated with val_of_max. Assume d is not empty.

Respuesta :


Here is the Python program:

d = {5:3, 4:1, 12:2}

val_of_max = d[max(d.keys())]



The program works as follows:

So we have a dictionary named d which is not empty and has the following key-value pairs:




where 5 , 4 and 12 are the keys and 3, 1 and 2 are the values

As we can see that the largest key is 12. So in order to find the largest key we use max() method which returns the largest key in the dictionary and we also use keys() which returns a view object i.e. the key of dictionary. So

max(d.keys()) as a whole gives 12

Next d[max(d.keys())]  returns the corresponding value of this largest key. The corresponding value is 2 so this entire statement gives 2.

val_of_max = d[max(d.keys())] Thus this complete statement gives 2 and assigns to the val_of_max variable.

Next print(val_of_max) displays 2 on the output screen.

The screenshot of program along with its output is attached.

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