Hi! I recently bought a sailor’s (NAVY) outfit at an antique store. Perfect condition. It’s one of the few outfits that got one of those patches from Walt Disney for his (appreciation I think you call it?) for the war vets..? (Sorry if I’m mistaken on why he made them.)

I was wondering if I’m able to wear it? Would it be disrespectful to wear something that is from the NAVY that isn’t mine?

Obviously - I’m not in or ever was in the NAVY, but I’m just curious! It’s not just a hat. It’s the full outfit (minus shoes). Shirt, Pants and a hat. I don’t believe I have any relatives that were in the NAVY either.

Also, I’d never claim something was mine that isn’t. So if I were to wear it & somebody / someone asked if it was mine, then I wouldn’t say it is. I also wouldn’t wear it to be disrespectful!

I’m just unsure on if it’s disrespectful to wear something like that sort of clothing piece(s) as a normal civilian who doesn’t / didn’t ever serve.

Respuesta :


i would believe so


that is huge piece of someone's life story someone risk their lives for their country and you go and where it as a Halloween costume. That is disrespectful to that man(ww2 era ) because he made huge sacrifices to fight for his country. me and my veteran grandfather discussed something very similar the other day those guys go through a living hell to keep you safe and you turn it into a cute outfit. plus that sounds like a cool maritime war artifact and maybe look into donating it to a museum


It depends.


I mean if you bought it, then you can do whatever you want with it.

But it also depends on how you treat the (NAVY) outfit, if you treat it just like any old outfit then why even buy it? The NAVY work(s/ed) hard to defend and protect this country, and wearing the outfit just cause would be pretty insensitive.

But if you treat it like an actual NAVY outfit, and you wear it to show your support to the NAVY, then I think it's fine.

Think of it this way; it's like wearing a shirt with the American flag, you don't just wear as a regular shirt, because it has a special meaning to it.