
How does the process of passing a law create opportunities to
build Canada as a society where people of many perspectives and
views belong?...

Respuesta :


(B) How does the process of passing a law create opportunities to

build Canada as a society where people of many perspectives and

views belong? What challenges does this process create for

Canadians, in your opinion?

• There are many checks and balances in the process of passing a law.

Because a good deal of debate takes place, the best ideas often surface to

be incorporated into the legislation.

• At the committee stage:

• Representatives of different interest groups can review proposed

legislation and provide their ideas and opinions to government for

possible inclusion in the legislation.

• Groups and individuals have another opportunity to voice their

wishes to the democratic government.

• It can be challenging to bring together many different perspectives

and sometimes laws are created with which some sectors of society do not agree.
