Consider what you have learned about North America and the American Colonies, the diverse groups who called it home, and the reasons some chose to go to war. Now, imagine you are among those at the Constitutional Congress and are drafting a Declaration of Independence to tell Britain why you are angry with them and what freedoms your new country will guarantee to its diverse citizens. Your task is to write your own version of the Declaration of Independence. In your 2 Paragraph Essay (at least 4 sentences per paragraph) address the following: Paragraph 1: Begin with the words "We hold these truths to be self evident", then state at least 3 freedoms your new country believes in. They must honor and be inclusive to ALL groups who lived in the Colonies at that time (Native Americans, African Americans, Colonists, other European citizens). Why are these rights so important for everyone to have? What do those rights guarantee? Paragraph 2: Summarize what Britain has done to upset you and your fellow leaders so much. What reasons have they given you for needing to go to war in the hopes of creating a new country? Make sure you provide at least 3 examples. You will be graded on the following: 10 points possible for Paragraph 1 (meets length requirement: 2 points, topic requirements: 6 points, honors all who live in the Colonies: 2 points) 10 points possible for Paragraph 2 (meets length requirement: 2 points, summary of Britain's misdeeds: 2 points, 3 examples provided: 6 points)

Respuesta :

Answer:Start off with this  "We hold these truths to be self evident", then state at least 3 freedoms your new country believes in.
