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The Paleolithic era is the old stone age that is belong to time period of 3 million to 12000 years ago where as the The Neolithic era or new stone age is known as comes after the Paleolithic age that is 12000 to 2000 years ago. The paleolithic era is characterized by people with hunter and gathering life style with weapons like stone.

In neolithic period people started to leave life style of hunter-gatherer and started to live in one place. As they decided to stay to one place they started farming making tools of metal and making wild animals their pet. All that laid the foundation of new civilization we know it today.


The societies of Paleolithic man were far different then that of the Neolithic man. The Old Stone Age societies had no time for other actives then what was necessary to survive. They did not invent many new things, and were constantly moving and changing their environment. Societies in he New Stone Age were a settled people, who constantly improved their lifestyle’s to make it easier to live by. Job's of the women no longer consisted of gathering, it consisted of growing the crops, since agriculture was a new provider of food. In conclusion, the lives of the people living in the Paleolithic and the Neolithic time period were different in many ways and a like also. Through the improvements in technology, education, and culture they were able to enhance the quality of life throughout these two periods. As man’s mind increased, it led into the new age, and the start of what may be civilization, as we know it.