Use the five terms below to write in Spanish about somthing a student might do daring the school day
Aperender de memoria
Hacer una pregunta

Respuesta :


Un estudianted tiene muchas cosas que haceR sobre el dia largo de la escuela. Tiene que saber adonde estan sus classes. Tambien tiene que aprender de memoria muchas cosas importantes que le ayudaran en el futuro. Debe saber cuando entrgar sus tareas, y si no sabe algo, tiene que hacer una pregunta.

Explanation: iM FLUENT IN SPANISH!

Using the terms, what a student does during the day in Spanish is:

Un estudiante debe levantarse temprano, desayunar y dirigirse hacia el colegio, durante sus clases debe entender las temáticas vistas o en caso contrario, realizar una pregunta al docente, posteriormente debe entregar todos los trabajos que sean para ese día, luego debe ir a casa, aprender de memoria términos, vocabulario o fórmulas que no baste con reconocerlos, y por último estudiar las lecciones del día hasta que las llegue a saber en su totalidad.


A student must get up early, have breakfast and go to school, during his classes he must understand the topics seen or otherwise, ask the teacher a question, then he must deliver all the work that is for that day, then he must go home,  memorize terms, vocabulary or formulas that are not enough to recognize them, and finally study the lessons of the day until he knows them in their entirety.

Daily routine of a student.

As can be read in the translation, to the tasks of a student such as attending classes, studying, or doing their jobs, some activities are added according to the terms provided by the exercise or activities that belong to the daily routine of any person, in order to give dynamism to the writing.

If you want to read another daily routine in Spanish, you can visit the next link: