
In one paragraph, write an informative passage about the topic you selected. In a second paragraph, describe a scene, character, or event in Little Women that might have, in the real world, intersected with your research. Think outside the box. Would Hannah have family members who were slaves? Would Mr. Laurence be involved with a particular business? What was it really like in an Army hospital? In what battles might Mr. March have fought?

Respuesta :

After Part I of Little Women was published, Alcott received many letters from her readers; one girl wrote that neither she nor her classmates would forgive Alcott if Jo did not marry Laurie. Alcott’s journal says that, “girls write to ask who the little women marry, as if that was the only end and aim of a woman’s life. I won’t marry Jo to Laurie to please anyone.” How does Alcott’s refusal to have Jo marry Laurie reflect on her own life?

Jo was modeled after Alcott, who never married. When Alcott urges her readers to be kind to spinsters, she is speaking from her own experience. Alcott’s refusal to meet her readers’ demands reflects her own stubbornness, like Jo’s. Alcott’s decision to have Jo marry at all could reflect a compromise with her readers or perhaps a wish that Alcott’s life had gone differently.


Little Women describes the experience of Christian girls growing up in 19th century New England. Yet it continues to be read by people of all ages around the world. What aspects of the book account for its universality?

Little Women applies universal, domestic themes of family, love, and self-improvement and to the specific context of the March family. While the girls understand their experiences through the lens of Christianity, people of all cultures and religions can relate to their individual struggles. In addition, the beliefs in the book do not degrade other cultures, but rather promote tolerance and kindness toward all people, as shown by the March family’s treatment of Mr. Bhaer, the Hummels, and the war against slavery.


Aunt March and Mr. Laurence are both quite wealthy, but use their wealth differently. Compare the generosity of these figures towards the March family with how this generosity influences their portrayal by Alcott and their perception by other characters.

Alcott describes Aunt March as less generous than Mr. Laurence, specifically in the comparison of giving Beth a piano. Yet Aunt March does provide many things to the March family, including giving Meg linens through Aunt Carrol, pays for Amy to travel abroad, and leaves Plumfield to Jo. However, her attitude towards the Marches is one of disdain, and she insults their pride – for example, when she offers to adopt one of the girls. Her generosity is therefore less appreciated because it does not come with her respect. Mr. Laurence is completely respectful of the March family and finds ways to support them without insulting their pride, such as sending Mr. Brooke as an escort on the pretense of business in Washington, and sending boys to Jo’s school.


Many critics celebrate Little Women’s promotion of women’s rights, yet the characters adopt very clear gender roles, particularly as husbands and wives. Do the March women demonstrate equality with their husbands?

The words used to describe the roles of husband and wife often suggest mutual helpfulness, but an assumed role for the husband as head of the house, while the actions of the characters highlight women’s strength and contributions to the family. Marmee is dependent on Father, yet she runs the house in his absence for almost a year. She also advises Meg to take interest in current events, since they affect her family. Amy calls Laurie “My Lord,” but Laurie admits that she guides most of their actions and decisions. Meg is the most submissive of the wives, but Alcott describes her ruling her domestic kingdom. Jo insists on sharing work with her husband, in words and action. Compared to other marriages, such as Sallie and Ned Moffat’s, the March women have greater levels of equality with their husbands, though the men are described and perceived as the heads of the household.


Alcott explicitly draws on John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress in Part I. Identify and explicate two allusions to Pilgrim’s Progress to provide deeper meaning to Alcott’s story that may be lost on readers unfamiliar with Bunyan’s text.

The lions Christian must pass to get to the Palace Beautiful terrify by their roar, but they are in fact chained, and placed their only as tests of faith. So too Beth is frightened of Mr. Laurence’s roar, but finds that her fears are unjustified, and that by overcoming her fear she finds not only a piano but also a dear friendship. Apollyon is in fact an external enemy, a demon who attacks Christian. Jo feels that her temper, her “bosom enemy” is almost external in the way it takes control of her, and she must fight it.