Similar to the main character in Pilgrim’s Progress, each girl makes a promise to change a flaw to be a better “little woman” when their father returns. Which character do you most relate to? Or which character is most opposite your personality? In 100 words or less, choose a character and compare or contrast her “bundle” to one of your own.

Respuesta :

This question is about the book "little women"

Answer and Explanation:

I identify most with Beth March, as she has a personality very similar to mine. Beth is quiet and shy, she is somewhat anti-social, but she likes to be with people who know how to develop a good conversation. In addition, Beth is not very fond of doing housework and does not believe that this is the obligation of women, as I think. In addition, she cares about the feelings of others and does not want to make anyone sad, which is the characteristic very similar to me.

Among the girls, the one I least identify with is Meg, I do not share her romantic ideals, nor her position on the role of women in the world. I don't think she's wrong, but I believe that we have different personalities, but that they could get along well.