Respuesta :
There are a lot of people in the world who wonder hmm why do i have stomach cancer? Maybe its from the takis you eat everyday. Nothing against takis because i love them but eating unhealthy can cause heart disease from energy drinks, cancer in the stomach from eating a lot of spicy foods and diabetes from consuming too much sugar. Hope this helps :)
eating healthy and exercise
exercise-"Regular exercise is key to reducing the risk of and controlling type 2 diabetes and CVD, and is linked with lower cancer risk, especially colorectal, endometrial, and postmenopausal breast. "
eating-"Try to limit saturated fats, foods high in sodium, and added sugars. Eat plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables, and whole grains. The DASH diet is an example of an eating plan that can help you to lower your blood pressure and cholesterol, two things that can lower your risk of heart disease. Get regular exercise."