Please help it needs to be a paragraph and I'm not good with religion

The first amendment ensures that there will be a separation between religion (church) and government (state). Select one of the separations of church and state conflicts below and read articles. Then write a one-page reflection explaining your opinion on the conflict. Make sure to use what you have learned about the first amendment in your explanation.
Prayer in Schools
Posting Ten Commandments in Government Buildings
Pledge of Allegiance in Schools

Respuesta :


how about we do prayer in schools We need prayer in our schools because it helps with christian education in our every day life. It has to be an every day thing and needs to stay with us for all our life. This why I think we need prayer i our schools.



How about we do Prayer In Schools. We need prayers in school because it helps with christians

Education in our every day life. It has to be an every day thing and needs to stay with us all our life. This is why i think we need prayers in our schools. Prayers in school is a way to learn about god while also learning things necessary as you get older to learn in life. Prayers also can help people be more kind caring and help people when being needed. Like say a homeless person needs money or food you can give him money or food. I think that posting the Ten Commandments in govermnet building can help remind people what the laws are and remind them that everyone has to follow the same rules not just themselves. I think the pledge of allegiance is a good way to show all the students how the people fought in the war for our safety and that they went through all that pain to make us feel safe and secure. I also think it is helpful knowing that theyre are people out there risking there lives to protect all the families and young children it really shows us how great of a person they are for fighting in the army.