This zyLab activity prepares a student for a full programming assignment. Warm up exercises are typically simpler and worth fewer points than a full programming assignment, and are well-suited for an in-person scheduled lab meeting or as self-practice.A variable like user_num can store a value like an integer. Extend the given program as indicated.Output the user's input. (2 pts)Output the input squared and cubed. Hint: Compute squared as user_num * user_num. (2 pts)Get a second user input into user_num2, and output the sum and product. (1 pt)Note: This zyLab outputs a newline after each user-input prompt. For convenience in the examples below, the user's input value is shown on the next line, but such values don't actually appear as output when the program runs.

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Warm Up Exercises Are Typically Simpler And Worth Fewer Points Than A Full Programming Assignment, And Are Well-suited For An In-person Scheduled Lab Meeting Or As Self- Practice. A Variable Like UserNum ... 1.19 LAB: Warm up: Basic output with variables This zyLab activity prepares a student. Show transcribed ...


Universidad de Mexico