Respuesta :
3. Los abuelos miran películas en casa.
Answer 3: Los abuelos las miran en casa.
Translation 3: Grandparents watch movies at home. Grandparents watch them at home.
Explanation 3: The direct object of the verb "mirar" is "películas", which is a feminine and plural noun. The direct object pronoun has to agree in gender and number with the direct object. "Las".
4. Yo necesito la calculadora para hacer la tarea.
Answer 4: Yo la necesito para hacer la tarea.
Translation 4: I need the calculator to do my homework. I need it to do my homework.
Explanation 4: The direct object of the verb "necesitar" is "la calculadora", which is a feminine and singular noun. The direct object pronoun has to agree in gender and number with the direct object. "La".
5. Kevin explica el problema de matemáticas muy bien.
Answer 5: Karen lo explica muy bien.
Translation 5: Kevin explains the math problem very well. Karen explains it very well.
Explanation 5: The direct object of the verb "explicar" is "el problema", which is a masculine and singular noun. The direct object pronoun has to agree in gender and number with the direct object. "Lo".
6. Jennifer compra enchiladas para la cena.
Answer 6: Jennifer las compra para la cena.
Translation 6: Jennifer buys enchiladas for dinner. Jennifer buys them for dinner.
Explanation 6: The direct object of the verb "comprar" is "enchiladas", which is a feminine and plural noun. The direct object pronoun has to agree in gender and number with the direct object. "Las".
7. Mamá escucha música en casa.
Answer 7: Mamá la escucha en casa.
Translation 7: Mom listens to music at home. Mom listens to her at home.
Explanation 7: The direct object of the verb "escuchar" is "música", which is a feminine and singular noun. The direct object pronoun has to agree in gender and number with the direct object. "La".
8. Tu papá pone el coche en el garaje.
Answer 8: Tu papá lo pone en el garaje.
Translation 8: Your dad puts the car in the garage. Your dad puts it in the garage.
Explanation 8: The direct object of the verb "poner" is "el coche", which is a masculine and singular noun. The direct object pronoun has to agree in gender and number with the direct object. "Lo".