
Hello i am french, Could you correct my spelling mistakes?

My company called L'Occitane sells cosmetic products made from natural ingredients.
Since 1976 the company's roots lie are still at the heart of Provence, surrended by fields of lavender, olive trees and almond which are still used to make our products. It’s our natural ingredients that are responsible for the success of the company. L'occitane is now a worldwide known brand, we first exported the brand to Asia. It was a risky bet because nobody knew us but the time proved it was a good move. The company now sells 50 % of its products to Asia. We also conquered the American and European market (12% of prodcts are sold in the US and 24 % in Europe).
It’s buisness valued at $4,8 billion. To keep up with the demand that is too important, the company is investing 35 million euros in a new production facility that will increase its capacity by 60% next year.