What judgments do you make about people because of the way they speak? What judgments might people make about you based on your speech?

Can someone answer this is their point of view (detailed please)

Respuesta :

Answer: The judgments I make based on how people speak is first I determine where they might be from. From the way a person speaks can tell you a lot about their roots. For example, if you meet a really country person that has an accent, you can then  determine that they are a redneck. With black people you can tell whether they came from the hood or not. Little things like pronouncing street right. Most people that come from the hood have literacy problems, like they say skreet instead of street. But that is just their accent and heritage. Some ways people judge me for the way I speak, is some people intially think that I'm a honky tonk because I have a thick southern accent, but thats not always true.


Universidad de Mexico