hey! do you think racism is a religion because I have done an essay about that but still need an opinion what do you think? (please don't delete my question)

Respuesta :


It is not


Racism is not a relgion to me because people shouldnt  be like that and make a relgion out of people who hate or dont like other people.Everybody should be treated the same because we are all human beings.And people should be treated with respect,but you have to earn that respect.


no racism is not a religion. it's predudice against someone for no reason in particular other than their skin tone. my answer is a bit vague i know. but in my eyes it's a simple answer of 'no'. also why are you doing an essay about whether racism is a religion ?because surely that's deeming this abhorrent, disgusting hate towards someone else as justifiable which is utter rubbish.