Put these in order 206 B.C. Great Wall of China finished 200 A.D. Paper is widely used in China 2008 A.D. China hosts the Summer Olympics in Beijing 1989 A.D. Chinese government attacks protestors in Tiananmen Square 400 B.C. Chinese people begin creating paintings on silk 1050 A.D. Printed books are widely used throughout China 2000 B.C. Metals are used for tools and jewelry 1517 A.D. First Europeans come to China by sea 100 A.D. Buddhist religion comes to China 1911 A.D. China's rule by emperor ends 1044 A.D. First evidence of gunpowder in China

Respuesta :


The timelines for the History of China is correctly and chronologically arranged as follows:

  1. 2000 B.C. Metals are used for tools and jewellery
  2. 400 B.C. Chinese people begin creating paintings on silk
  3. 206 B.C. Great Wall of China finished
  4. 100 A.D. Buddhist religion comes to China
  5. 200 A.D. Paper is widely used in China
  6. 1050 A.D. Printed books are widely used throughout China
  7. 1517 A.D. First Europeans come to China by sea
  8. 1044 A.D. The first evidence of gunpowder in China
  9. 1911 A.D. China's rule by the emperor ends
  10. 1989 A.D. Chinese government attacks protestors in Tiananmen Square
  11. 2008 A.D. China hosts the Summer Olympics in Beijing
