I need help please it’s due today

1 They (males and females) are tall.
Spanish 1: Ellos son altos [masculine and plural]
2 We (all females) are organized.
Spanish 2: Nosotras estamos organizadas [feminine and plural]
3 He is reserved/shy.
Spanish 2: El es tímido. [masculine and singular]
4 I am good-looking.
Spanish 4: Yo soy bien parecido. [masculine and singular]
5 She is not funny.
Spanish 5: Ella no es graciosa. [feminine and singular]
6 Are you all (formal) patient?
Spanish 6: ¿Son ustedes pacientes? [masculine and plural]
7 You (informal) are not good-looking.
Spanish 7: Tú no eres bien parecido. [masculine and singular]
8 You all (all females; informal; used only in Spain) are not lazy.
Spanish 8: Vosotras no sois perezosas. [feminine and plural]
9 Are we (all males) fat?
Spanish 9: ¿Somos gordos? [masculine and plural]
10 Are they (all females) Costa Rican?
Spanish 10: ¿Son ellas costarricenses? [feminine and plural]