Review scientists and their contributions to atomic theory by filling in the table

DALTON: (Experiment : Atomic Theory of matter)(Paticle discovered: Atom) (Model of atom: BILLIARD BALL)
THOMSON: ( Experiment : Cathode ray) (Particle discovered : Electron) (Model of atom : PLUM PUDDING MODEL)
RUTHERFORD: (Experiment: Gold Foil experiment) ( Particle discovered: Nucleus & Protons) ( Model of Atom: RUTHERFORD MODEL)
BOHR: ( Experiment : Atomic structure) ( particle discovered : electrons travel in separate orbits around the nucleus and that the number of electrons in the outer orbit determines the properties of an element) (Model of atom: BOHR MODEL)
CHADWICK: (Experiment : "proton-electron pair")
(particle discovered: Neutrons) ( Model: QUANTUM MECHANICAL MODEL)