Neutral Stimulus (NS)
Unconditioned response (UR)
unlearned naturally occurring response (salvation)
Unconditioned stimulus (US)
something that is presented and makes you react (food)
Conditioned response (CR)
learned response to a previous neutral but now conditioned stimulus (same as unconditioned response because the conditioned stimulus comes into play with this)
Conditioned stimulus (CS)
after association with the unconditioned stimulus (food) comes to trigger with a conditioned response. (the bell)
Neutral Stimulus (NS)
Unconditioned response (UR)
unlearned naturally occurring response (salvation)
Unconditioned stimulus (US)
something that is presented and makes you react (food)
Conditioned response (CR)
learned response to a previous neutral but now conditioned stimulus (same as unconditioned response because the conditioned stimulus comes into play with this)
Conditioned stimulus (CS)
after association with the unconditioned stimulus (food) comes to trigger with a conditioned response. (the bell)