Online Highschool education is better than public school education for several reasons. One reason is online learning is better is that it is much more efficient. You only have to log on and look at the teacher. The teacher isn't focused on quieting the class down for the first couple minutes of class, and therefore not a lot of class time is wasted.
Another reason it is better than in person learning is how much easier it is to get one on one instruction without sacrificing your lunch or your ride home after school. With public school, some people can't get extra tutoring or help because they don't have transportation for after school. But with online education, there is no need to worry about that. And, you can log right on during lunch and eat while receiving extra instruction.
Some might say that online learning is more inconvenient than learning in person, but I have to disagree. If anything, it's is more convenient. You don't have to wake up so early to get ready for school, or face the judgement of your peers. There will be pros and there will be cons no matter what we do, it's a part of life. But change can be good.