Describe some of the agencies developed by President Franklin Roosevelt to relieve the economy during the depression.​

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Roosevelt first began working to restore faith in the banking system. The day after his inauguration, he declared a bank holiday and stopped the gold trade. Within a week, Congress passed the Emergency Banking Act. This law allowed the government to review, reorganize, and reopen banks that had enough money to operate.

The Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA), passed in 1933, gave farmers payments to not plant crops or to kill extra livestock. Roosevelt wanted to discourage the overproduction that had lowered farm prices so greatly. The AAA would decrease supply and allow prices to rise to meet demand. This was an example of a recovery effort.

The National Recovery Act. It created the National Recovery Administration (NRA). This agency worked with business and labor to set minimum wages, regulate prices, and protect workers. It also channeled government money into the Public Works Administration (PWA). The PWA, created in 1933, hired people to work on government-funded construction projects. Other recovery programs worked to employ Americans, provide home loans, and help the unemployed.

In terms of battling unemployment, as many as three million people worked for the CCC during the 1930s. These workers tended forestland that became state parks and helped conserve the nation's natural environment. The PWA grew the nation's infrastructure by constructing bridges, dams, and buildings still used today. The agency's legacy includes the Overseas Highway connecting Key West and Miami, Florida.


A number of organization and agencies were established to help the Unites States overcome the devastation of drought, keep students in school, pay people to work when they would otherwise be unemployed, and a lot of other efforts.