The runner was 8.6km away from the finish line when the bird starts flying.
Therefore it takes the bird 8.6/14.4 = 0.60 hours for the bird to fly to the finish line.
In that 0.60 hours, the runner would have ran an extra 3.6km/h * 0.6h = 2.16km.
Now, the runner and the bird are flying towards each other. The distance between them is 8.6 - 2.16 = 6.44km and their combined speed is 18.0km.
Hence, they will meet in 6.44/18.0 = 0.36 hours.
Overall, the bird flew for 0.60 + 0.36 = 0.96 hours, and flew 14.4km/h * 0.96h = 13.8km.