Respuesta :


The Human Development Index (HDI) is as implied, a measure of human development in a country. There are four tiers which are;

  • very high for countries in the 0.800–1.000 bracket
  • high for countries in the 0.700–0.799
  • medium for countries in the 0.550–0.699 bracket and,
  • low for countries in the 0.350–0.549 bracket.  

The HDI is measured using various factors such as life expectancy, educational metrics, and per capita income.

Nepal's HDI as of 2019 is 0.579 which would put them in the Medium human development category.

Congo's HDI as of 2019 is 0.459 which means they are a ranked low when it comes to Human development.

Denmark constantly ranks very high in terms of Human development and in 2019 that was not different as their HDI was 0.930.

Out of the three therefore, Denmark has the highest HDI, Nepal is second and the Democratic Republic of Congo is third.