Why did the Dakota Sioux attack settlements in Minnesota in 1862? Check each of the reasons that support what you’ve learned.
A. Government officials withheld cash and food that was promised the Dakota.
B. The Dakota were not given enough food and faced starvation.
C. Dakota leaders wanted to aid the Confederates in the Civil War.
D. Many Dakota resented settlers for taking their land and confining them to a reservation.

Answers Are: A, B, D

Respuesta :



A, B, D


The Dakota Sioux attack settlements in Minnesota in 1862 following a series of neglect from the government, looming starvation as a result of cutworms effect on farms, and occasional confrontations with the white settlers in the area

Hence, Dakota Sioux attack settlements in Minnesota in 1862 because of the following reasons:

1. Government officials withheld cash and food that was promised the Dakota.

2. The Dakota were not given enough food and faced starvation.

3. Many Dakota resented settlers for taking their land and confining them to a reservation.

Therefore, the correct answer is option A, B, and C


The answer above is correct
