
Which indicates the authenticity of a primary source document? Which best compares competition, cooperation, and predation between two organisms?

Respuesta :

Answer: To know if a document is a primary source, check to see when the document is published, if it is an autobiography of a person, a diary, a letter, or the documents happen at the time of the event.

The competition between two organisms can be seen if there is only 1 source of food or habitat space and they're competing against each other for the food or habitat.

There is cooperation between two organisms if they are helping each other with resources or alarming each other if there is danger.

Predation between two organisms happen when one organism hunts the other organism for food.


The guy above me is right it helped me answer to my question in edge for 2020 I got it correct but I didn't put exatcly what he put so I wouldn't be copying him or her.
