a. Cu2+ (Copper (II) ion ) b. 2Ag+ ( Silver ion) c. Al3+ (Aluminium (III) ion) d. Co2+ ( Cobalt (II) ion) e. Pb2+ ( Lead (II) ion )
Cations are positively charged ions.
In the question given;
CuS , known as Copper (ii) Sulphide, has Cu2+ (Copper (II) ion ) as the Cation.
Ag2SO4, Known as Silver Sulfate, has 2Ag+ ( Silver ion) as the Cation.
Al(ClO3)3, known as Aluminium Chlorate, has Al3+ (Aluminium (III) ion), as the Cation.
Co(OH)2, known as Cobalt(II) Hydroxide, has Co2+ ( Cobalt (II) ion) , as the Cation.
PbCO3, known as Lead(II) Carbonate, has Pb2+ ( Lead (II) ion ), as the Cation.