Help anyone who knows mathematics

All answers are in bold in the explanation below.
Step-by-step explanation:
1. $11.49/3 packages=$3.83 per package
2. 2550 gals/30 days=85 gals per day
3. 88 students/4 classes=22 students per class
4. 15.6°F/13 minutes=1.2°F per minute
5. 175 Cals/12 oz=14.58 Cals per oz
6. 258.5 mi/5.5 hrs=47 miles per hr
7. 549 vehicles/9 acres=61 vehicles per acre
8. $920/40 hrs=$23 per hr
9. 13 apples/2 pies=6.5 apples per pie
10. 114 parts/6 mins.=19 parts per min. So, multiply that unit rate by 15 mins.: 19 parts/min. * 15 mins.=285 parts in 15 minutes
11. 8 jumbo muffins/1.5 teaspoons of powder=5.33 teaspoons of powder per muffin. So, multiply that unit rate by 3 dozen jumbo muffins. A dozen is 12 so 3 dozen 36 muffins.: 36 muffins*5.33 teaspoons=192 tsp for 36 muffins
12. about $75 per tire-reasoning: if you rounf $299 to $300 and divide by 4 tires you would get about $75 for the tires.
13. about $4.50 per yard of fabric-reasoning: first round $13.47 to $13.50. Now, 13.50 is sort of in the middle between 12 and 15, which are both equally divisible by 3. 12/3=4 and 15/3=5. The middle number between 4 and 5 is 4.5, so one yard of fabric will be about $4.50.
14a. Melendez: 1,560 watts/4 people=390 watts per person
Barton: 2,130 watts/6 people=355 watts per person
Stiles: 1,490 watts/2 people=745 watts per person
The Stiles family uses almost twice the amount of electricity per person than the other two families. If you look at the calculations, you see that the other two families use within in about 350 to 400 watts of electricity per person, while this family uses about 750 watts per person. 350*2=700 and 400*2=800. 745 is a number almost in between both.
14b. Melendez: 3,500 gals/4 people=875 gals per person
Barton: 6,400 gals/6 people=1,066.67 gals per person
Stiles: 2,500 gals/2 people=1,250 gals per person
The Melendez family uses the least amount of water per person. If you look at the calculations, this is the only family that uses less than 1,000 gallons of water per person, thus making them the family that uses the least amount of water per person.