
How can Scientific beliefs be used incorrectly to fool people into thinking they are Scientifically founded

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Is really common that all the studies and scientific advances that we find today, born as an idea or hypothesis (that in a lot of cases is not the same as the end result).

So for example, suppose that a group of scientists is trying to find a cure to a certain disease, and they think that they may have found it, but there are not enough tests (for example they may try it in rats, but not in humans yet)

As the group starts to find results, they may share them (especially if they are positive), and here is when a given communicator/periodic takes this information and makes a claim like "Group of scientist finally finds the cure for...."

So in this case the media is using the fact that a group of scientists "thinks" something as a valid claim to affirm something.

There is also the case where a scientist says something (That has logic and scientific value only in context) and then the media uses some part of the scientist's statement out of context in order to affirm a given idea.