In the autobiography Long Walk to Freedom, Nelson says, “He had planted a seed, and though I let that seed lie dormant for a long season, it eventually began to grow.” What does this mean?

I really need this

Respuesta :

Hello there! :D

My policy (and Brainly's for that matter) is that I won't provide a copy-and-paste kind of answer. I will help you find context and ideas! :) I also might take awhile answering this question, since I like to do some research and know what I am talking about before answering your question.

Alright, I read up on some of the context of the book. Nelson Mandela lived in Southern Africa at a time where there was much racial discrimination. Nelson worked his entire life to peacefully protest against racism and when he decided that change was no longer possible, he and his followers grew violent and tried to sabotage some of the country's government. If you think about it, it is very much like the Black Lives Matter movement right now. Except, Nelson was jailed for 27 years because of his beliefs! The government classified him as a terroist and many of his followers as well. Because of his beliefs, he one day became accepted and become president. A truly awe-inspiring person. There is your context!

The quote, "He had planted a seed, and though I let that seed lie dormant for a long season, it eventually began to grow," is an example of his life and his truths. He planted this sead of ideology in his country, that everyone should be created equal, and although not well recieved at first, the seed was there and was prepared for the rain to come. When people started to see his movement, that seed grew and was nourished. However, I am not entirely sure what he means by 'let' if it was voluntary that he left those beliefs dormat or not. I think that is for you to decide!

If you have any questions about anything I just said, DM me and let me know!

I hope this helped you and you have a wonderful day,

Kai xx