Respuesta :

Alright, there isn't a clear way of explaining this, but here's just a little something:

Endings that tell you it’s a masculine noun (most of the time): -ig, -ent, -ier, -ist, -or, -ör, -iker, -ast, -eur.

Endings that tell you it’s a feminine noun (usually!): - anz, -ik, -tät, -ur, -ei, -sis, -ive, -ade.

Endings that tell you it’s a neuter noun (most of the time): -tel, -in, -tum, -um, -ment, -o, -ma, -ett.

I hope those charts helped-

Ver imagen Ambambam
Ver imagen Ambambam
Ver imagen Ambambam
Ver imagen Ambambam
the gender of a lot of items can be dependent on what the word ends in! most things ending in -e are feminine. most inanimate objects are neuter.