1. Who is considered to be the first marine biologist?
2. Why was the HMS Challenger important?
3. What are the main marine biology laboratories located on the WEST coast of the US?
4. How has the focus of marine biology changed from Aristotle’s time to today?
5. For number five – choose any ONE of these three investigative questions and answer thoroughly:
a. You notice that in certain areas of the intertidal zone, there are patches where sea lettuce (an intertidal alga) does not grow as well as in other areas. You also notice that in the areas where the sea lettuce is not growing as well, there seem to be an abundance of intertidal snails. You wonder whether or not the snail is causing these patches in the algal distribution. Describe how you would set up this experiment to test your idea. Be sure to include your hypothesis (If/then statement), control group, experimental group, at least 3 controlled variables and your manipulated variable.
b. When you are snorkeling on the Great Barrier Reef, you notice that there are certain places on the reef that animals go to get parasites removed by cleaner fish. You wonder if the way that the animals know it is a cleaning station is because the cleaner fish have a pattern (stripes on the fish) that signals the presence of a cleaning station to other animals. Describe how you would set up this experiment to test your idea. Be sure to include your hypothesis (If/then statement), control group, experimental group, at least 3 controlled variables and your manipulated variable.
c. You are in the deep sea submersible Alvin, exploring the mesopelagic zone when you notice that anglerfish are flashing lights in a process called bioluminescence. You wonder if this is to attract prey for the anglerfish to eat. Describe how you would set up this experiment to test your idea. Be sure to include your hypothesis (If/then statement), control group, experimental group, at least 3 controlled variables and your manipulated variable.
6. Describe the process of seafloor spreading.
7. How is old oceanic crust recycled?
8. Explain the evidence that supports the theory of seafloor spreading and continental drift
9. Who was the first person to propose the theory of continental drift?