
g Compare and contrast a four Ps approach to marketing versus the value approach (creating, communicating, delivering and exchanging value). What would you expect to be the same and what would you expect to be different between two companies that apply one versus the other approach?

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The 4Ps are Product, Pricing, Promotion, Place.


Thinking about it carefully, one would note that there is really nothing to contrast between the value approach which is Creating, Communicating, Delivering and Exchanging Value.

Let's make the comparisons:

  • Products and Services are Created. It's impossible to have a product or service that is not created.

The inherent quality of a Utility or Product or Service is that they are value which is Created. So in describing the marketing approach, one can use both interchangeably.

  • Pricing vs Exchanging Value

Again there is a parallel here. Price is the value you have put on your product or service. Without price, it's difficult to exchange value. Again in the marketing process/approach, it's difficult to separate the two. In both approaches, pricing and Exchanging Value as steps in the marketing approach can be used interchangeably.

  • Communicating vs Promotion

This is also another parallel. Promotion is simply another way to communicate the value of your product. Both are really not different.

  • Delivering Value vs Place

Place under the 4 Ps approach speaks to the location where the product is delivered. Again it's clear to see that both cannot be separated.

In conclusion, assuming all factors are the same and held constant between two companies A and B, if company A follows the 4Ps approach and company B follows the Value approach, they are most likely to arrive at the same results.
